It is officially, I am no good at keeping a blog. I honestly intended to write more here, but somehow I always find an excuse not too. The last month has been absolutely crazy. Going back to school was rough after a two week break, but we made it through. The kids were surprisingly well behaved, but everyone was tired. The second week back to school was crazy. On wednesday, the temperature hit 1 degree celcius, which is about 30 degrees farenheit. To all you Minnesotans reading this, that doesn't seem all that cold, but it is! Thursday and Friday were even colder. The buildings here are not heated; in fact they are designed to stay cool since most of the time it is so incredibly hot outside. I ignored all of the warnings that my friends and coworkers had given me about just how cold it gets here, and when Wednesday hit, I was shocked at how cold I was. If the temperature hits 0 here, the public schools close. Many of them closed Wednesday-Friday because of the cold, but not our school. I had a grand total of six kids on Wednesday and Thursday, and ten on Friday. We had a lot of fun and got to play some of the new games I brought back from the states, but it was so unbearably cold in the classrooms!
In January, I also had my first professional soccer game experience. I went to the Santos game one weekend and had a great time. I love soccer, but I don't follow it much so I was surprised at how much fun I had. The atmosphere was great. It was so nice to be able to walk around and talk with people in a safe place. The stadium is supposedly the safest place in the city. The tickets were very cheap. We payed 170 pesos, which is less than 15 dollars per person, and the seats were great. We are planning on going again this weekend.
Other than that, nothing much is new around here. It was great to go home for Christmas and see my family, and also stock up on everything I can't buy around here. I think I gained about ten pounds while I was home due to all of the amazing food my mom and dad cooked for me. I did miss Mexican food a little bit, but nothing here can compare to a home cooked meal with the family.